Title: Beauty of heliconia Year: 2004 Medium: watercolour Size: 38 x 56cmDescription:The wall design was inspired by the Sarawak indigenous tribal wood carving. Took me quite some time to complete painting the wall. The majestic flower in front is Heliconia Rostrata, one of my favourite flowers, other than Sunflower.
Title: One vase and heliconia Year: 2004 Medium: watercolour Size: 56 x 38cmDescription: A close-up of a vase with Sarawakian style flora design. The vase is painted with cool colour tone as the priority is to emphasis on the bright red & yellow heliconia flower.
Title: Anthurium in a vase Year: 2003 Medium: watercolour Size: 38 x 56cmDescription: Closeup watercolour painting of Anthurium flowers in a Sarawak tribal vase, placed against wood carved wall in the background.
Title: Vase, anthurium, mangosteens Year: 2002 Medium: watercolour Size: 38 x 56cm
Title: Vases with orchids Year: 2001 Medium: watercolour Size: 56 x 38cm
Title: Four Vases Year: 2006 Medium: watercolour Size: 38 x 56cm
Title: Vases with sunflowers series 5 Year: 2004 Medium: watercolour Size: 56 x 39cm
Title: Vases with lotus series 3 Year: 2004 Medium: watercolour Size: 56 x 38cm